Invest in Professional Development to Empower Learning
Don’t just train with tools, learn how to integrate those tools into your curriculum and how to work with your myriad other tools.

Professional Development
Multi-Platform Apple, Google, Microsoft, or a combination of those, we have partnerships to help you succeed!
Multiple Formats Keynotes, on-site workshops, webinars, online courses, and more. We will work with you to meet your learning needs.
Multi-School Events Environments that unite people from different schools and districts can be powerful. Boot camps and summits empower unity.
Design Thinking
Design Workshops Learn Design Thinking through hands-on experiences with world-class Design Thinking Facilitators. Take advantage of our existing workshops or work with us to build a custom solution to meet your needs.
Design Consulting Bring Design Thinking into your school as a productive method to solve your challenges. Looking at new spaces, a new schedule or redesigning an academic program? Design Consultants can facilitate.
Design Webinars Interested in Design Thinking but looking for lower-cost and shorter-time solutions? Design Webinars are offered by world-class Design Thinking trainers. Choose from existing or custom content.
Every School is Unique. Every Solution Should Be Too.
Our professional development solutions offer feature-rich learning options for your staff
Learn from Apple Distinguished Educators, with daily experience working with Apple products in their schools.
Intro to OSX & iOS
Creating a Culture of Learning
iPads in the Content Areas
Curriculum Integration with Mac
Curriculum Integration with iPad
Whether you need help with G-Suite, Chromebooks, Google’s curriculum, or certification. Learn from one the largest pools of Google education experts in the world.
Google Educator Level I
Google Educator Level II
Creative Collaborative Learning Environments
Chromebook Remote Deployment Support
Google Expeditions
Google Anywhere School Experience
Free Google Services
Learn from Microsoft’s top strategic professional development partners, whether you are new to Office 365 or seeking to deepen the integration of the Microsoft ecosystem.
MIE Teacher Academy
MIE Trainer Academy
OneNote Academy
Office 365 Academy
Minecraft Academy
Learning without Borders
Education Transformation Framework