ITOPIA LABS #2 - JourneyEd - The EDU Techstore

Test Drive Adobe CC Suite in a Browser

Give Students Secure, Single-Click Cloud Access to 150+ Industry Apps. Lower costs and Simplify Admin

Join top districts using CloudApps Classroom to stream apps like Adobe CC, Microsoft 365, AutoDesk, and Project Lead the Way in a browser.

Save Money and Upgrade Expensive, Aging Onsite Labs

Supplement high-end devices and aging labs with our powerful, low latency streaming technology

  • Maximize 1:1 device initiatives and easily add courses to district curriculum.

  • Upgrade computer labs with itopia CloudApps + Monitors + Docking Stations at a fraction of the cost!

  • Stream graphic-intensive apps like Adobe, AutoDesk and Project Lead the Way on Chromebooks!

  • Enable teachers to create CloudApps classes in minutes.

  • Deliver apps to any device and reduce help desk/support tickets.


Rancho High School, Las Vegas, NV, taps CloudApps Classroom to access industry apps remotely.

Rancho High School, located 20 minutes from the Las Vegas strip in Clark County School District, tapped Itopia CloudApps Classroom to address its student body’s remote access computing needs.

CloudApps Classrooms for Students

Itopia CloudApps Classroom solves the challenges schools face in delivering high-tech education without breaking the bank.

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