New Frontiers in Education: VELA Con 2024 Ushers in a New Era of Learning

By: Lizette Valles & Victoria Andrews

The inaugural VELA Con 2024, hosted by The VELA Founder Network, and held from June 13-15 in Washington, D.C., gathered educators and edupreneurs from across the country to share ideas, champion personalized learning, share struggles and hear from philanthropists.  This debut event, themed “New Frontiers in Education,” attracted a dynamic mix of founders, thought leaders, and educators who are paving the way to personalized, adaptable approaches such as microschools, homeschool hybrid programs, and multiple out-of-system learning options.

Meredith Olson, President of VELA, delivered an inspiring keynote emphasizing the recognition of individual talents and the role of entrepreneurial spirit in broadening access to personalized education. She highlighted, “Every person in this room is uniquely talented. It’s because of your courage and the thousands of entrepreneurs like you across the country that millions of learners can access individualized learning that works best for them.” With many audience members being VELA award recipients or hoping to become one in the near future, Olson’s words were met with agreement and admiration. 

The event showcased the VELA Founder Network, described as “the nation’s leading community of entrepreneurs providing alternatives to conventional schooling,” which has grown from three founders in 2019 to nearly 3,000. This network includes those who operate learning environments and ecosystem builders who support the broader alternative education ecosystem. For many founders, VELA had been the first grant-making organization to support their visionary endeavors, playing a crucial role in launching and sustaining their projects.

Session topics at the conference covered integrating innovative technology to create responsive learning environments, exploring sustainable business models for educational startups, fostering strong community partnerships, and ensuring equitable access to quality education. Additionally, the conference featured workshops on effective marketing strategies, navigating educational regulations, and scaling innovative educational solutions.

Voices from VELA Con

Sumay Lu, the 15-year-old CEO of WEQuil App, shared her experience of starting a virtual global school during the pandemic, emphasizing, “You are qualified to lead the education revolution. Why? Because you learn by doing.” 

Kym Kent, Co-founder and Director of eXtend Homeschool Tutorial, captured the spirit of the conference by proclaiming, “Just look around, we are all living proof of a movement that is taking the educational world by storm.”

NFL MVP and homeschooling father of 13 children, Shaun Alexander, along with Constance Bradley from Rogue Christian Academy, echoed the importance of community and highlighted the vast impact of innovative educational models. Bradley affirmed, “This movement is happening everywhere.”

Meredith Olson articulated a hopeful vision for the future, stating, “This is a new frontier where families embrace a diverse educational landscape, confidently taking control of their family’s learning journey… This is a frontier where people are treated with the dignity that they deserve. And this new frontier is one where knowledge and resources are freely shared, where different approaches are respected, and where collaboration and community are celebrated.”

The collective spirit of VELA Con 2024 was undeniable, fueling a shared commitment to transforming education. The changemakers in attendance are already looking forward to the next conference, eager to reconnect, share progress, and continue their mission with renewed inspiration. The future of education felt not just possible but within reach, powered by the enthusiasm and unity of this vibrant community, which is more ready than ever to drive educational change forward.

Lizette Valles, M.Ed., is the founder of Ellemercito Academy, a Los Angeles-based microschool, with a focus on project/place-based learning with a strong focus on trauma-informed teaching approaches.

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