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Office Download and Install FAQs

Will removal of my current Office program lose the files I created using Office components?

No it only removes the actual software program it does not affect any files you may have created and saved in Word or Excel, etc. However you will not be able to open those files though until you install you new Office program.

Can I use the key code on my new Office product to activate my Trial version already on my computer?

No, the two products are not identical and do not share the same licensing configuration. You will need to remove your trial version and install the new Office program using that products key code.

How do I remove my previous version of Office?

Go to your Control Panel Home page. Select the option below and then select Microsoft Office to uninstall.

I have downloaded the software program but I can't find where it went?

Internet Explorer default location is C/temp folder. Firefox default location is the Downloads folder. Do not select an alternate file location as this may not allow the program to download correctly.

I have downloaded the software program and when I try to run it or try to enter the key code nothing happens?

This is an indicator that you still have a previous version of Office on your system. You must remove all previous versions of Office including trial versions or component software such as Word or Excel.

Error: Authorization of your download has failed.

You do not have any available usages remaining. The software program only allows 2 successful downloads.

My unpacking process of the files only goes so far (43% to 85%) and then just stops.

Internet provider speed issue or files are being download to a computer connected to a Business or School server or internet café that is restricting large file downloads.

  • Business or school servers or internet café will require you to obtain permission from the administrator to download large file transfers on their server. Or you can utilize another internet connection that does not restrict large file transfers such as a friend home.
  • If using your personal Internet provide on your home system, the download speed of the files are controlled by the Internet provider you use on your computer. DSL is recommended. Cable and Satellite and Dialup may experience intermittent interruptions. You can contact your ISP to increase your bit transfer or you can download the file in sections by selecting "resume" when it times out and the download will pick up where it left off. You may need to do this several times until the full file is transferred.

I clicked the download website link and it says "unrecognized"

Problem usually occurs if you are using an "Internet Browser" other than Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. It could also happen because of the "Anti-virus" applications installed on user's PC (i.e. where security settings are marked to "High").

I clicked the website link and it downloaded to my desktop. I click the file on my desktop and nothing happens.

If the file was successfully downloaded, it will be a purple round Icon with a yellow lightning bolt in it (i.e. executable). If the file does not have the purple icon (or is not being recognized by the system), the following needs to take place:

  • Right mouse click on the file.
  • Choose RENAME, and then add ".exe" to the end of the file name.
  • This will make the file into an executable file and the file ICON will change to have a purple icon with a lightning bolt in it.
  • Now, Double click this file to run it & begin the unpacking/downloading of files.


SDC 00200 Error

A general error that is typically caused by:

  • insufficient disk space to unpack
  • a disk error

This problem usually happens when the end-user selects a different destination folder than the default folder to download/unpack the files - By default; the download wants to use the C:\Temp folder. We suggest leaving the (suggested) default folders and the downloading& installation should work fine.

If you change the destination folder, Windows will not allow you to download directly to this folder and will give you the SDC00200 error. This is common with Windows 7 and Vista Operating Systems. To avoid and/or correct this error, make sure the download location is C:\Temp.

SDC 00400 Error

Unable to complete the download, which is typically caused by:

  • an error in the configuration of the download package, usually due to a bad hosting location
  • no Internet connection found
  • Internet connection lost
  • a firewall or proxy server between the client station and hosting location
  • insufficient disk space to download.

NOTE: Windows XP users will receive a SDC00400 error. Follow the steps on the SDC 00300 error

SDC 00500 Error

CRC check failed, which means that the download file package is corrupt and unusable. This is typically caused by:

  • an incomplete transfer of the program files
  • a corruption during the transfer of files or
  • a corrupt package on the host server

This problem usually happens when the "Delivery Client" file got corrupted (or download was incomplete). Have the end-user delete the downloaded delivery client and re-download it again as if they were doing it for the first time. This should work, especially if they have stopped or disabled their antivirus software. DSL internet is recommended as Cable, Satellite and Dialup may experience intermittent service interruptions or transmittal surges and lags.

Error 2203."An internal error has occurred"

This error may have to do with the fact the end-user has no administrative permissions on that machine. As suggested by Microsoft, End user needs to do the following:

  • Log on as a user with administrative privileges.
  • Check permissions on the Temp folder and be sure to add "Everyone" group with full access to the Temp folder.
  • Stop and Start the "Windows Installer" service

This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.

© 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, the Microsoft logo, Windows, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Microsoft provides this material solely for informational and marketing purposes.

Customers should refer to their agreements for a full understanding of their rights and obligations under Microsoft Volume Licensing programs. Microsoft software is licensed not sold. The value and benefit gained through the use of Microsoft software and services may vary by customer. Customers with questions about differences between this material and the agreements should contact their reseller or Microsoft account manager.

The information contained in this document relates to pre-release software product, which may be substantially modified before its first commercial release. Accordingly, the information may not accurately describe or reflect the software product when first commercially released.